
You can view your prompts in the Prompt Management page. This overview shows the prompts that you have created, manage different versions of these prompts and lets you create and test prompt templates in collaboration with your teammates. In the Prompt Playground, which is connected to prompts and threads, you can debug prompts in-context, draft and iterates on prompts. Once you are happy with your prompt, you can save it and use it in your code.

Prompt can be stored in either Literal AI or in your application code. Prompts that are managed in the Literal AI platform has several benefits:

  • Non technical people can draft and iterate on prompts.
  • You can deploy a new version of your prompt without deploying your code.
  • You can track which prompt version for a specific generation.
  • You can compare prompt versions to see which one performs better.
  • You can compare and test multiple LLM providers.
  • You can collaborate with the team.
  • You can do online evaluation [coming soon].

Prompts that are stored in Literal AI can be pulled to your application code via the SDK.

It is also possible to store the prompts in your application code. Then, you can still manage template versioning and provider tracking in Literal AI.

The following figure illustrates saving the prompt in Literal AI (option 1) versus in your application code (option 2).

Prompt stored in Literal AI vs in application code.

Prompt stored in Literal AI vs in application code


Local credentials

In order to interact with various providers using the prompt playground you will need to use your own credentials. You can directly setup the credentials for the current provider when using the prompt playground. Additionally you can access the credentials you defined in the “Settings > LLMs” page.

The local credentials are stored in the local storage of your browser.

Shared credentials

Shared credentials are restricted to the admins of a project.

To favor collaboration, you can create credentials in the “Settings > LLMs” page. Once created any admin users of a project will be able to use it in the prompt playground. It is important that we are not exposing shared credentials’ keys to the client.

The shared credentials are stored online, and the key is encrypted.