
BaseLiteralClient Objects

class BaseLiteralClient()
Use LiteralClient or AsyncLiteralClient in your code. Both classes inherit from BaseLiteralClient and have access to its methods.


  • api Union[LiteralAPI, AsyncLiteralAPI] - Instance of the Literal API.
  • disabled bool - Flag indicating if the client is disabled.
  • event_processor EventProcessor - Processor for handling events.


  • batch_size int, optional - Batch size for event processing. Defaults to 5.
  • is_async bool, optional - Flag indicating if the API should be asynchronous. Defaults to False.
  • api_key Optional[str], optional - API key for authentication. If not provided, it will be fetched from the environment variable ‘LITERAL_API_KEY’.
  • url Optional[str], optional - URL of the Literal API. Defaults to ’‘.
  • disabled bool, optional - Flag to disable the client. Defaults to False.


  • Exception - If ‘LITERAL_API_KEY’ is not provided and not found in environment variables.


def to_sync() -> "LiteralClient"

Convert the client to synchronous mode.


  • LiteralClient - Synchronous LiteralClient instance.


def instrument_openai()

Instruments the OpenAI API calls with the current client.


def langchain_callback(to_ignore: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                       to_keep: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                       **kwargs: Any)

Get a Langchain callback tracer configured with the client.


  • to_ignore Optional[List[str]], optional - List of event types to ignore. Defaults to None.
  • to_keep Optional[List[str]], optional - List of event types to keep. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - Additional arguments for the tracer.


  • LangchainTracer - Configured Langchain tracer.


def llama_index_callback(**kwargs: Any)

Get a Llama Index callback tracer configured with the client.


  • **kwargs - Additional arguments for the tracer.


  • LlamaIndexTracer - Configured Llama Index tracer.


def thread(original_function=None,
           thread_id: Optional[str] = None,
           name: Optional[str] = None,

Decorator or context manager for thread-level event grouping.


  • original_function callable, optional - Function to decorate. Defaults to None.
  • thread_id Optional[str], optional - ID of the thread. Defaults to None.
  • name Optional[str], optional - Name of the thread. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - Additional arguments for the thread context manager or decorator.


Union[ThreadContextManager, callable]: Thread context manager or decorated function.


def step(original_function=None,
         name: str = "",
         type: TrueStepType = "undefined",
         id: Optional[str] = None,
         parent_id: Optional[str] = None,
         thread_id: Optional[str] = None,

Decorator or context manager for step-level event grouping.


  • original_function callable, optional - Function to decorate. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - Name of the step. Defaults to "".
  • type TrueStepType, optional - Type of the step. Defaults to “undefined”.
  • id Optional[str], optional - ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • parent_id Optional[str], optional - Parent ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • thread_id Optional[str], optional - Thread ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - Additional arguments for the step context manager or decorator.


Union[StepContextManager, callable]: Step context manager or decorated function.


def run(original_function=None,
        name: str = "",
        id: Optional[str] = None,
        parent_id: Optional[str] = None,
        thread_id: Optional[str] = None)

Decorator or context manager for run-level event grouping.


  • original_function callable, optional - Function to decorate. Defaults to None.
  • name str, optional - Name of the run. Defaults to "".
  • id Optional[str], optional - ID of the run. Defaults to None.
  • parent_id Optional[str], optional - Parent ID of the run. Defaults to None.
  • thread_id Optional[str], optional - Thread ID of the run. Defaults to None.


Union[StepContextManager, callable]: Run context manager or decorated function.


def message(content: str = "",
            id: Optional[str] = None,
            parent_id: Optional[str] = None,
            type: Optional[MessageStepType] = None,
            name: Optional[str] = None,
            thread_id: Optional[str] = None,
            attachments: List[Attachment] = [],
            tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
            metadata: Dict = {})

Creates and ends a message step.


  • content str, optional - Content of the message. Defaults to "".
  • id Optional[str], optional - ID of the message. Defaults to None.
  • parent_id Optional[str], optional - Parent ID of the message. Defaults to None.
  • type Optional[MessageStepType], optional - Type of the message. Defaults to None.
  • name Optional[str], optional - Name of the message. Defaults to None.
  • thread_id Optional[str], optional - Thread ID of the message. Defaults to None.
  • attachments List[Attachment], optional - List of attachments. Defaults to [].
  • tags Optional[List[str]], optional - List of tags. Defaults to None.
  • metadata Dict, optional - Metadata for the message. Defaults to .


  • Message - Created message step.


def start_step(name: str = "",
               type: Optional[TrueStepType] = None,
               id: Optional[str] = None,
               parent_id: Optional[str] = None,
               thread_id: Optional[str] = None,

Starts a new step.


  • name str, optional - Name of the step. Defaults to "".
  • type Optional[TrueStepType], optional - Type of the step. Defaults to None.
  • id Optional[str], optional - ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • parent_id Optional[str], optional - Parent ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • thread_id Optional[str], optional - Thread ID of the step. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs - Additional arguments for the step.


  • Step - Started step.


def get_current_step()

Retrieves the current active step.


  • Optional[Step] - The current active step or None if no steps are active.


def get_current_thread()

Retrieves the current active thread.


  • Optional[ThreadContextManager] - The current active thread or None if no threads are active.


def reset_context()

Resets the active steps and thread context.


def flush_and_stop()

Flushes the event processor and stops it.

LiteralClient Objects

class LiteralClient(BaseLiteralClient)

Synchronous LiteralClient for interacting with the Literal API.


  • batch_size int, optional - Batch size for event processing. Defaults to 5.
  • api_key Optional[str], optional - API key for authentication. If not provided, it will be fetched from the environment variable ‘LITERAL_API_KEY’.
  • url Optional[str], optional - URL of the Literal API. Defaults to ’‘.
  • disabled bool, optional - Flag to disable the client. Defaults to False.


def flush()

Flushes the event processor.

AsyncLiteralClient Objects

class AsyncLiteralClient(BaseLiteralClient)

Asynchronous LiteralClient for interacting with the Literal API.


  • api AsyncLiteralAPI - Instance of the asynchronous Literal API.


  • batch_size int, optional - Batch size for event processing. Defaults to 5.
  • api_key Optional[str], optional - API key for authentication. If not provided, it will be fetched from the environment variable ‘LITERAL_API_KEY’.
  • url Optional[str], optional - URL of the Literal API. Defaults to ’‘.
  • disabled bool, optional - Flag to disable the client. Defaults to False.


async def flush()

Asynchronously flushes the event processor.

